We are ceasing cooperation with Russia in the field of science and technology, which in practice means that contacts with local scientists, universities and research centers are suspended, the Ministry of Education and Science wrote in the declaration submitted to the Russian Minister of Science and Higher Education.

In a letter signed by Prof. Włodzimierz Bernacki, secretary of state at ME&S, firm opposition to the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine was expressed. At the same time, an appeal was made to the entire scientific and educational community in Russia to unequivocally condemn the war waged against the sovereign state of Ukraine.

Scientific research and education of the next generations should serve their further development based on new technologies, methodologies, standards, and not supporting actions aimed against other nations – we read in the document.

As a deputy head of the ministry, Prof. Biernacki declared Poland’s withdrawal from the United Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna and the International Center for Scientific and Technical Information.

The Ministry of Education and Science has also ceased cooperation with Russia under the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the field of science and technology, concluded on the August 25th, 1993. This means the suspension of contacts with Russian scientists, universities and research centers, it was written.

Source: Forum Akademickie